Sunday, September 24, 2017

Lama Temple

Sept 17: Lama Temple

After a busy day at the Summer Palace, we found some time in our schedule to visit the Lama Temple; we figured out the Metro, and found our way there.

This is a Tibetan style temple and shrine complex that survived the Cultural Revolution.

The directions from the Metro Station weren't very good, but we stumbled towards it efficiently, getting there just before closing. Thank you to Google Maps again.

Incense is provided to all visitors who want it, and most people took a bundle to offer to the various shrines and Buddhas. I've never seen so many ordinary Chinese people taking the time to pray, and offer burning incense. Young and old alike.

When we finally made it back to the hotel, we met with friends Cindy and sister Laurie who had just arrived at the hotel after their flight from the US.

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