Monday, September 25, 2017

The Great Wall of China

Sept 18, The Great Wall of China

Today was the first real day of  the Viking tour.  We met Cindy and Laurie for breakfast.  It was a huge buffet breakfast.  The breakfasts on the trip have been great.

There were several stations like this one

Nope, not beets with black sesame seeds; it's dragon fruit. Not very tasty though.
Then it was on to the bus for our trip to the Great Wall.  Given the altitude it was a bit cooler, and that was great for the climb.  There were two paths to take. The right side (easier) and left (harder).  We took the left side.  It was also less crowded.  Most of the people climbing the wall are Chinese tourists. Many ask if they can take your photo. Many have not seen a white person ever, so we were part of the attraction, too.  Deb's quite proud that both she and Cindy made it 2/3 up to the top.  Mike and Laurie went to the top.  It was great.

We made it to the wall!

This is our goal, the top tower to the left

Here we are at the 2/3 up point

And we found someone to take a pic of all of us!
 Well...Cindy and Deb decided that that was as high as they will go, but Mike and Laurie continued

And Mike's smile indicates he made it to the top
 On the way down, there was a craftsman making custom marble slabs. I engaged him, "how much?".

240 yuan, then 200, then 160, then 100. Then "how much you pay?", and I replied "bu yao" (no want). His final offer was 20 yuan, which is about $3, USD. Quite a range!

Cindy found an interesting sign, stating: "Don't use cellphones during thunderstorms".

For lunch we went to a jade factory.  Very expensive; very, very expensive!  Deb tried on some bangles.  They wear them tight, so the clerk greased up her arm with lotion so she could try it on. We guess that if you cannot remove it, one must have to buy it. The least expensive one was $380.

There were demonstrations of artists creating pieces, and many, many items displayed for purchase.

The lunch was a nice Chinese buffet.  In addition to the normal water, beer, or soda, there was a special liquor offered, erguotou, a spirit made from sorghum.

After lunch we went to the Ming Tombs and walked down the Spirit Way that had many statues.

The picture below tries to show that the tops of these statues seem to attract swarms of wasps. Couldn't get too close, so the telephoto lens came in handy.
So many wasps!

Rubbing the tortoise's nose is supposed to bring good luck

On the way back to the hotel, we drove thru the 2008 Olympic complex. Most interesting was the swim center, which looked like a building enclosed with huge bubble wrap.

Once back at the hotel, we walked to a nearby Walmart to see how one looked in Beijing.  On the way back, we walked past the hutong just across from the hotel. Modernization is underway.

They even have internet, telephone, and cable TV now!

Cindy and Laurie decided the day was finished for them, so they went back to the hotel Mike and Deb continued their trek and walked to the Lake Park, but didn't have time to go in as they had to get back for their group dinner.

After dinner, Mike and Deb visited the Executive lounge for post dinner drinks.  It's a great perk. Alas, only one guest allowed per member, so Cindy and Laurie would have been charged $40 each to visit.

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